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Ceremonies by Nikki Kulin, Costa Celebrant - Celebrant Information


Having a Celebrant wedding means that you can have exactly the Wedding Ceremony you dreamed of. So what makes a Celebrant ceremony different?


You really can have your ceremony wherever you want it to be! Without the ties of having to used a licensed venue, your ceremony can happen exactly where you want it to be.

As a Celebrant ceremony is not restricted to being in the registered venue’s licensed room, or under a fixed or permanent structure, it can literally be held anywhere!

It really is limited only by your imagination! Indoors, outdoors, cliff top, field, woodland, beach, car park or back garden – it is absolutely your choice!

Because couples who opt for a Celebrant wedding sign their legal documents separately (mine often in a lunch break), the options are endless and can truly help you create the best Wedding Ceremony for you.

With me as a Celebrant, there are no rules.

It really is limited only by your imagination! Indoors, outdoors, cliff top, field, woodland, beach, car park or back garden – it is absolutely your choice!

Because couples who opt for a Celebrant wedding sign their legal documents separately (mine often in a lunch break), the options are endless and can truly help you create the best Wedding Ceremony for you.


One of the truly unique parts of a Celebrant led wedding with me is that I literally start each ceremony as a blank page!

With a tried and tested method, I have devised methods to really get to know you, and what you want from your Wedding Ceremony. Every element is individually designed and handwritten for you. You get to see the draft and make any changes and it is one of the exciting things for me is seeing how thrilled my couples are and how excited they are to share their ceremony with their guests!


This is your wedding ceremony! Why be the same as everyone else? Escape traditions and let me help you create something really unique.

I create bespoke rituals for my couples who wish to include one. From a unique handfasting to a bespoke Mojito ritual – I love creating ceremony elements that will make your day memorable, unique and truly awesome!

There are no rules with a celebrant ceremony – we create a ceremony that is unique to you.

This ancient tradition is a lovely addition to your bespoke wedding ceremony.


My couples often tell me that they wouldn’t know where to start when writing wedding vows. They really don’t have to worry! I have come up with the perfect method of helping them create truly unique vows and promises which are meaningful, sentimental and with a touch of humour.

Bespoke wedding ceremony


If you don’t want to exchange rings, don’t. If you don’t want to have readings, don’t! Who says flower girls have to be little? Who says you can’t dance down the aisle? Why can’t guests be included in the ceremony? Want a religious reading or hymn? Love Harry Potter, Star Wars or Friends?

With a Celebrant ceremony, anything and everything goes! There is nothing I like more than finding out about your culture, heritage, interests and hobbies and creating bespoke elements and suggesting themes, quotes or readings!

A great example is S & J’s ceremony. This Danish couple started by telling me that, in their culture, they don’t exchange rings or say vows and that having anybody read would seem cheesy in their culture.

Exchange coins: from your country of origin, from your travels, historical/family heirlooms – there are no rules with a celebrant wedding ceremony.

A rose exchange ceremony: the perfect addition to a Danish wedding ceremony in Spain

So, having discovered that S loved children’s literature and that her favourite book was The Little Prince, I started by reading an extract where the fox talks about nurturing the roses in his garden and how, much like a relationship, the more you put in, the more the roses thrive.This lead onto a beautiful rose exchange ceremony – their first gift as husband and wife.I was also contacted by a guest who asked if he could sing and play the guitar as a surprise which, of course, the couple absolutely loved.It was truly beautiful, bespoke and memorable


In the weeks and months leading up to your ceremony, we will be in regular touch, not just to help me write your ceremony but in discussing all the fine details. We will talk through the choreography, where you will stand, who will be involved and so on. Even my most anxious of couples say how they feel so much calmer with me on board, knowing that I will be prepared for every eventuality on the day itself.

I usually plan to arrive at your venue 90 minutes ahead of the ceremony itself in order to liaise with venue staff, photographers etc and set up my equipment. I will also visit you if you are on site to calm last minute nerves and make sure everyone is ok.

Beach wedding ceremony

I will have all the finer details covered and, because the day is yours exclusively, there is no rush if things aren’t running exactly to time.

Your ceremony will set the tone for the rest of the day and there is nothing I like more than when guests tell me that they have never been to a ceremony like it before; they won’t have because YOUR ceremony is one of a kind!


Did you know that 86% of Weddings in the UK are now non-religious? A growing number of those are now choosing Celebrant led weddings. Why? In the same way that we don’t associate registering a birth or death with its respective ceremony, why should you have to ‘do the legals’ at the same time? Your rings will hold the wishes of all your guests when you exchange them.

Because a Wedding Celebrant can’t legally register a marriage at the present time, many of my couples opt to visit the Register Office in a lunch break or just with two witnesses in order to enjoy the awesome, bespoke Wedding Ceremony they want, with me as their Celebrant, in the location of their choice.


It is very important that you have a team to support you in the lead up to your day who you trust and these are my top tips when choosing your Celebrant:

Connection – I work very closely with my couples, in parallel with a Wedding Planner if there is one – and have regular contact in the weeks and months leading up to the wedding. It is very important that you feel a connection and know that your Celebrant is someone you like and feel comfortable with.

Check out my introductory video on my You Tube channel which explains more about my method and approach or contact me to arrange an initial video call on 07802 414967.

Training – I initially trained with the Fellowship of Professional Celebrants and as a writer and English graduate, bring many skills to my work as a Celebrant. I now also train new Celebrants as part of the Institute of Professional Celebrants team and constantly undertake CPD. Check out your Celebrant’s training and accreditations.

Price – There are many different prices. My advice would be check what you are getting for the money.

I still hear, ‘Oh that seems a lot for 30 minutes work’. There are Celebrants out there who offer you a choice of 3 set scripts, much like a Registrar, and then arrive on the day. That is absolutely not the way I work.

I work closely with you in the weeks and months leading up to your ceremony. We meet either in person or virtually and you have access to me whilst I create your ceremony. I do 75% of my work in research, writing and creating your ceremony before your day itself.

Mini-Vetting – Have a look at my social media, check out my awards and look at my reviews and recommendations. Insurance – check to ensure that insurance is in place.


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